辻邦生『安土往還記』論 序説
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"Azuti Ookanki" is his first historical novel written by Kunio Tuzi and it is his significant work. With this work as a start, Tuzi would deverop his life-long fruitful activities as a historical novelist. In the setting of this novel, I could see defferent viewpoints of Nobunaga's image from the estabrished ones. Oda Nobunaga, called "Owari-no-Ootono" (The Signore) in the story, is depicted through the eye of "a narrator", a sailor from Geneva who served him as his adviser. I would like to explicate that new picture of Nobunaga in the rerationship with missionaries, Frois, Orgncino, Valignano and etc., who came into contact closely, and also the connection with Akecti Mituhide, who revolted against him. However, in this issue I would like to examine only its motif, plot, materials (historical records), and the historical background (situations of Christian missons in the late 16th century) as "the Introduction". The main discourse of a unique profile of Nobunaga would be discussed in theissue of next year.
- 久留米信愛女学院短期大学の論文
- 2006-07-01
- 辻邦生評伝(一) : 出生から旧制中学校時代まで
- 辻邦生『安土往還記』論
- 辻邦生『安土往還記』論 序説
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