- 論文の詳細を見る
Taste bud distribution on the soft palate (SP) and within three types of tongue papillae (fungi form; FF, foliate; FL, and circumvallate; CV) were examined histologically. Also, the integrated taste responses from the rat chorda tympani (CT) nerve were recorded and analyzed at different postnatal ages. At birth, the number of matured SP taste buds preceded to that of FF taste buds, then taste buds within the two loci matured up to 80-90% at 2-weeks. In contrast, no taste buds with a pore were observed at birth within FL and CV, and the number of taste buds gradually increased until 8-weeks. The integrated taste responses magnitudes relative to 0.1 M NH_4Cl from the rat CT were recorded and analyzed. Even at 1 week of age, the CT responded well to all tested 0.1 M mono-chloride salts. The responses to 0.1 M NaCl and LiCl increased with increasing age while response magnitudes to KCl, RbCl, CsCl did not change up to 8 weeks. At 1 to 2 weeks, the integrated response patterns and the concentration-response functions for NaCl, HCl, quinine-HCl and sucrose were essentially the same as those as in the adult rat. The response magnitudes for various sugars increased and reached a maximum at 4-weeks, then decreased gradually with increasing age. Among the six sugars, sucrose was the most effective followed by lactose. The response magnitude to lactose at 4-weeks had decreased compared to that for the other sugars. These results suggest that after one week of age during postnatal development in the rat, taste information from the CT rapidly increases in its importance for feeding behavior.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 2004-03-25
金丸 憲一
原田 秀逸
原田 秀逸
金丸 憲一
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