社会福祉士養成校教員研修プログラムの開発に関する研究 : 模擬演習を用いた教員研修のあり方
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The training of man power that fills the welfare needs in the aged society is a pressing need in our country. However, not only the amount of man power to the welfare service but also qualitative fulfillment came to be requested. And, it is necessary to advance the research on the teaching method of the teacher who will be the leader of the certified social worker training program when the future though the certified social worker training education program was improved. In this research, it was examined whether social work training professor's problem was clarified for the teacher who took charge of the social work training in the certified social worker training school, and the training program of the mock training style was effective as these problem solving method. The research method did the questionnaire survey for 43 people who belonged to "Social work training society" that centered on the teacher involved in the certified social worker training. The number of questionnaires of those who answered is 21 people. The collection rate was 51.2%. The result was classified into four "Problem on the taught side","Those who attended a lecture and student's problems","Assembly within the program and the range", and "System" as a difficult thing of the professor of the social work training. It has been understood that the participant where the training of a mock class has It was a training program. high potential needs of the satisfaction rating also thinks by taking the training of the mock training style in the participant who sought advice for its class aiming at the improvement of the training skill. Moreover, it was clarified also that the idea of the training was different according to the teacher's belonging.
- つくば国際大学の論文
- 2006-03-25
筒井 澄栄
和田 光一
筒井 澄栄
筒井 澄栄
筒井 澄栄
西川 ハンナ
筒井 澄栄
岡山県立大学 保健福祉学部
和田 光一
筒井 澄栄
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