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The McGurk effect (McGurk & MacDonald, 1976) is an audiovisual illusion which demonstrates that visual articulatory information is integrated with auditory information during speech perception. This paper describes what kind of cues visible speech conveys and how visual information is integrated with auditory information depending on one's native language (or culture) and proficiency of a second language. In lipreading, Japanese subjects could categorize visual consonants into labials and nonlabials with accuracy equivalent to American subjects reported in the literature. Compared with native speakers of American English, native speakers of Japanese and Chinese were less susceptible to the McGurk effect, indicating a manner of processing of heavy weighting on auditory information. Examining the data of the Chinese subjects who were residing in Japan, the McGurk effect got stronger as the subjects lived in Japan longer, suggesting that acquisition of a second language promotes the use of visual cues.
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
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- McGurk Effect and Incompatibility : A Cross-Language study on Auditory-Visual Speech Perception
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