- 論文の詳細を見る
As to a train running at high speeds in tunnel, the car-body vibration increases considerably and the riding comfort is deteriorated. In tunnel sections, aerodynamic force is generated around the car body and it makes the running vibration bigger in sway and yaming modes of car body than that in open sections. On the present Shinkansen trains, "longitudinal inter-vehicle dampers" have been installed to improve the riding comfort of passengers. With other stiffness or damping devices installed between adjoining vehicles, more improvement can be expected in the riding comfort at high speeds. However, if the restriction between the vehicles is too strong, the curving performance may get worse on sharp curves such as turnouts laid in station or train depot, on which trains have to pass frequently. In this paper, an analytical model of a train is developed to simulate the running behavior of connected vehicles. And numerical simulation is carried out to examine the riding comfort of a train running at high speeds and also the curving performance through a turnout, varying the stiffness and damping between the vehicles. A potential, in which the ride comfort improves without increasing wheel lateral force on sharp curves, is found in the condition that the inter-vehicle damping is increased in longitudinal direction and added at lower position in lateral direction.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-10-25
坂上 啓
坂上 啓
坂上 啓
谷藤 克也
亀甲 智
亀甲 智
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