- 論文の詳細を見る
While the Shiobara Basin is well known as a hot-spring resort, it is also famous for the distribution of lake deposits. The author of this text has carried out research with an interest in the topography and Geological features of the Shiobara Basin. In the area of Applied Geology, image data are of often utilized by remote sensing. When using Landsat data in research of topography and geological features, the key is how to manage the enormous data flow. With this in mind, the author examined Landsat TM data as well as methods to control topography and information on geological features. The databasing information for Landsat data, topography and geological features has following advantages: *Through database functions, it is easy to retrieve necessary data, making it easier to calibrate between each data as well as statistic processing. *From multiple files a minimal file can be reconstructed by choosing a combination of necessary conditions. Therefore, by separating the database system form the image proces sing system, the image processing system itself becomes minimal.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1994-02-28
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