片麻痺者のための背屈補助付き短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の開発(3部 代替・評価)
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Desirable characteristics of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) for hemiplegic patients were clarified by the authors' previous studies. The most important mechanical characteristics of AFOs are the magnitude of the dorsiflexion assist moment and the initial ankle angle. It is necessary to adjust these characteristics to the individual hemiplegic patient. It was also found that the plantar flexion assist moment generated by conventional AFOs is not necessary, but rather is injurious to the hemiplegic gait. An AFO called DACS AFO, which means Dorsiflexion Assist Controlled by Spring AFO, was developed to incorporate these characteristics. The DACS AFO consists of two plastic parts, the foot and the shank, connected at the ankle joint. An assist device that generates the dorsiflexion assist moment is set at the rear of the shank. When the ankle joint rotates into plantar flexion, a piston compresses the spring and the assist device generates an assist moment proportional to the plantar flexion angle. The dorsiflexion assist moment can be changed easily by using four different kinds of springs. When the ankle joint rotates into dorsiflexion, it rotates freely because a slider in the piston can move without friction. The initial ankle angle can be changed by altering the length of the assist device. The weight of the assist device is 70 grams. The gait of hemiplegic patients with DACS AFOs, with conventional posterior AFOs, and without any AFOs were measured by a three-dimensional motion analysis system (Oxford Metrics VICON 370 and force plates). Before the gait analysis, the characteristics of the DACS AFO were adjusted to the condition of each patient through observation of the gait. The gait cycle decreased and walking velocity increased when patients walked with DACS AFOs. The maximum magnitude of the plantar flexion ankle joint moment increased when the patients walked with DACS AFOs although the DACS AFOs did not generate any plantar flexion assist moment. This result means that the ankle joint moment generated by the plantar flexors increases because of the smooth propulsion of the center of gravity of the body during the mid to late stance. The performance of the DACS AFO was assessed through daily use by approximately 70 hemiplegic patients. The acceptance by patients was good but some defects were clarified, such as weight, appearance, and noise during gait.We intend to improve them and to put the DACS AFO on the market.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1998-11-25
久保 茂
山本 澄子
土肥 徳秀
山本 澄子
早川 康之
海老名 政彦
早川 康之
- 2.短下肢装具足継手の機械特性(各種プラスチック製短下肢装具)
- 437. 背屈補助付プラスチック短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の開発
- 脊髄損傷者の社会参加に関する共分散構造解析
- 3. Pylon studyによる義足に加わる負荷の計測 (第5報)(義肢・装具)(第24回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
- 3.Pylon Studyによる義足に加わる負荷の計測(第4報)(切断・義肢・装具)
- 13.Pylon Studyによる義足に加わる負荷の計測(切断, 義肢, 装具)(第21回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
- P-03 背屈補助付短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の経験
- 442 しゃがみ位からの起立動作に関する動作分析(運動学)
- 背屈補助付短下肢装具 ( DACS AFO ) の第2次モニター使用評価 : ハードウェアの改良と使用者アンケート結果について
- 片麻痺者のための背屈補助付き短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の開発(3部 代替・評価)
- 背屈補助付短下肢装具(DACS AFO)のモニター使用結果 : その2 臨床評価とDACS AFOの適応について
- 背屈補助付短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の第一モニター使用評価 : その1使用者アンケートとハードウエアの改良について
- 片麻痺者のための背屈捕助付短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の開発
- 短下肢装具の可撓性計測装置の開発
- 片麻痺患者の歩行の連続計測 : 短下肢装具の矯正モーメントの影響を中心として(4部 運動機能の支援)
- 短下肢装具の可撓性が歩行に及ぼす影響(3部 評価・診断)
- 靴べら式プラスチック装具の変形測定と応力解析(3部 障害・運動・評価)
- 61.Plyon Studyによる義足に加わる負荷の計測(義肢・装具)
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- 特集のまとめ
- バイオメカニクス
- 短下肢装具の可撓性と初期角度が片麻痺者の歩行に及ぼす影響(3部 運動機能の復元)
- 198. 背屈補助付短下肢装具(DACS AFO)の臨床評価について
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- 352 椅子からの立ち上がりにおける高齢者のバランス調節 : 重心と支持基底面、関節モーメントの関係から
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- 180. 介助用電動車いすの開発及び臨床評価
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- 大腿切断者の椅子からの立ち上がりおよび座り込み動作に関する生体力学的研究
- 347 長下肢装具を使用した起立動作
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