Blood Levels and Distribution of Talampicillin and Bacampicillin in NZW Rabbits
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Parameters for blood concentrations of the peroral antibiotics talampicil in and bacampicillin, in NZW rabbits were determined using a two compartment model. On the basis of these pharmacokinetic parameters, a three compartment model was prepared for the concentrations of these drugs in the tongue, gingiva, submandibular gland, parotid gland, cervical lymphnode and mandibular bone. Simulation curves based on the parameters of tissue concentrations revealed visual conformity to the measured values.
- 東海大学の論文
Sasaki Jiro
東海大学 歯口外
Sasaki J
Tokai Univ.
Sasaki Jiro
Department Of Oral Surgery Tokai University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Jiro
Department Of Oral School Of Medicine Surgery Tokai University
Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratories, Ashikaga Red Cross Hospital
Yamane N
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
IMOTO Takashi
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Tokai University
Imoto Takashi
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
Yamane Nobuo
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
Ohta Y
Division Of Specialized Clinical Science (dermatology) Tokai University School Of Medicine
Ohta Yoshihide
Department Of Oral School Of Medicine Surgery Tokai University
Imoto T
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
KONNAI Toshikatsu
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Tokai University
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Tokai University
TOMITA Sadafumi
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Tokai University
Onoue Clinic
Tomita Sadafumi
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
Sekiguchi Tokiko
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
Konnai Toshikatsu
Department Of Oral Surgery School Of Medicine Tokai University
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