高齢者ソーシャル・サービスと新家事労働 その1
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"Socialization of daily life" began developing on a large scale recently as the population ages. Such socialization generates problems of interfaces between families and the institutional environment. The term "interface" here refers to the quantity of new work created when the family and the institutional environment interact. This is also referred to as "new household work." The purposes of this study are to clarify the actual status of new household work arising from socialization of in-home care in the U. S. A. and to define the proper approach for realizing usercentered social services. I first investigated the present state of the aging population and the system for providing social services to the elderly in the U. S. A. using literature, statistics and Internet web sites. I then interviewed staff members of some institutions in Boston and its environs. As a result, I found the following. 1) There were many kinds of social services for the elderly, reflecting diversified and highly developed needs. 2) Seniors have played an important part in the community, not only as passive service users, but also as active service providers such as volunteers. 3) New household work emerged in all daily living activities such as ADL, IADL and AADL.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2004-02-01
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