フィンランドにおける University-to-Work 政策の展開
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This paper aims to describe the "University-to-Work" in Finland by analyzing its policies and practice, focusing on the strengthening of its relevance to education, society as well as to the labor market and on the introduction of university based guidance service. The 1990s is the decade of violent change for Finnish universities. As a result of these changes, problems have arisen in its transition process. First, academic graduates did not recognize the changes in the placement pattern. Second, unemployment rate of academic graduates rose because of the economic and social changes in the beginning of the 1990s. Third, disparity among academic disciplines in unemployment rate of academic graduates tends to expand. To solve these problems, Finnish Ministry of Education has drawn up policies that enable the smooth transition of the "University-to-Work." These are included in the policy papers called National Development Plan for Education and University Research. Likewise, annual reports with regard to university management have been published. Central to these policy papers are the strengthening of the relevance and relationship of education, society and labor market as well as the introduction of the university-based guidance services. They lead student to change their views to work and "University-to-Work" process. The reason why the ministry gave emphasis on them are ; (1) to establish contacts on possible employment, (2) to meet the social and labor market demands. In these policies, the ministry encourages both universities and employers to contact each other, and the university to reflect on social and labor market's needs. The Policy with regards to "University-to-Work" give us two assumptions. First, Finnish government recognizes that the university education should not neglect the needs of society and labor market because of its social role and accountability. Second is the importance of improving the "University-to-Work" transition in order to change the students' view.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2002-02-28
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