不登校傾向生徒に及ぼす構成的グループ・エンカウンターの効果 : Self-esteem, 社会的スキル, ストレス反応の視点から
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, we examined the effects of SGE(Structured Group Encounter) on non-attending students at a junior high school. The subjects are 8 students attending school for children with health impairments and have a tendency not to attend their ordinary school. They filled out questionnaires including Self-esteem Scale, Social Skills Scale, and Stressful Response Scale. The results of the questionnaires before the experiments were compared to those after the experiments. We examined the following : (1) student's self-evaluations ; (2) teacher's evaluations of the student's behavior ; (3) the difference between the evaluations of teachers and students ; (4) self-description of the students ; and (5) self-description of the teachers. The results showed that SGE improve their fantasied self-perception of their self-esteem and social skills, and declease their stress responses.
- 秋田大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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- 不登校傾向生徒に及ぼす構成的グループ・エンカウンターの効果 : Self-esteem, 社会的スキル, ストレス反応の視点から
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