- 論文の詳細を見る
The process of completion of "SHOMEI-SHAKISHU" have been studied by comparing the description of three historical records that are the manuscript at 1651, "SHOKISHU-SHAKISHU" and "SHOHEI-SHAKISHU". The results are as follows, 1) The original "SHOKISHU-SHAKISHU" had been completed by adding some items from 1651 to 1697, and "SHOMEI-SHAKISHU" had been completed before the eary part of the 18th century by adding some more items after the completion of original "SHOKISHU-SHAKISHU". 2) The way of edition at "SHOMEI-SHAKISHU" was the same from 1651, so "SHOKISHU-SHAKISHU" was reorganized in after years. 3) Though the oral instructions had been put emphasis on, the technics of KIWARI had been described clearly. 4) The achievements of own family had been put emphasis on. 5) The description had been changed to agree with the real buildings.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-09-30
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