寝殿造に於ける主人の出口 : 変遷過程及びその要因
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The following results have obviously been obtained from the study on the transition and the reason for the exit of master in Sinden Style Residence. 1. In the case of Higashisanjoden (one kind of aristocratic residence), Minaminokizahashi (exit at south stair) of Higashinotai (東対) had been principally used as an exit for the master. 2. In the case of residence of Kanezane, two kinds of exit had been properly used, 0ne is the Minaminokizahashi of Shinden and Chumonro (中門廊). 3. In the case of residence of Kinkata, the Chumonro was mainly used as an exit for the master. 4. From the fifteenth century the reason to use the Minarainokizahashi disappeared and since then the Chumonro had been regarded as important.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1995-11-30
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