畑作物の病害虫防除に関する研究 : ダイズコンリウバエの生態並びに防除に関する研究
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The soybean platystomid fly (Root nodule infesting fly), Rivellia apicalis Hendel (Diptera : Platystomidae) is one of the serious pests of soybean plants in Japan, since it was reported by Sugiyama & Mochizuki (1949) in Niigata Prefecture. And it is already known that the larvae of this insects is to eat into the root nodules of soybean plants, as the results, the invated soybean become yellowish earlier than the healthly ones. But, on the ecology of this insects has not been well of elucidated. In 1957, authors discovered this insects inhabiting at the Meiji University Fjiyoshida Experimental Farm in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan. For that reason, we have attempt to studies on the life history, ecology and some control measures to reduce the damege of soybean plants caused by the platystomid fly larvae. This studies was made for four years from 1959 to 1962, at the Meiji University Fujiyoshida Farm. The results obtained were Summarized as follows. 1) This insects has one brood a year, the adult emerge from the pupe in early part of July and they are seen until middle August. 2) The egg are deposited in the stem bark near the base of soybean plants. 3) The larvae hatch begins at the middle August and feed into the root nodules of soybean plants or other host plants, at a depth of about 5-10 cm in soil. 4) The population of this larvae in the root nodules of soybean plants reached the highest peak in early September. 5) The larvae are commonly found attaching the root nodules of soybean plants, but will also attack Azuki bean and common bean plants (scarlet runner). 6) In the fild investigations, the ratio of parasitized larvae to the number of root nodules of soybean plants were reached about 20 per sent in late September, in 1959. 7) In late September, all larvae are placed free in soil appart from the root nodules of their host. 8) The seasonal movment of the larvae is said to be caused by the soil temperature (Sugiyama, 1946). Field investigatons showed that a down ward movement begins at about the middle of November and corresponding closely with the seasonal fall of the soil temperature. Winter is passed as larvae in soil where the host plants grow and an observations showed that hibernate at depth of about 20 cm in. As the soil temperature rises in spring, they become active again and up ward movement bigins according to the soil temperature. 9) The larvae pupate the latter part of June, which found at about 5cm under the ground. 10) In the field, the pupal period is about 5 weehs in Fuji-yoshida. 11) To investigate the relationship between the larvae in host plants and fertillizer, a field experiment were conducted. It was shown that the population density of larvae in host plants increased by nutriate of potash fertillizer and ammonium sulphate compared with the standard plot. 12) For the control of larvae were used "D-D", Aldrin A (dust 4%) and Aldrin B (dust 4%, non wettable agent) to the soil at the seeding period in field. As a results, it seems that the application of each Aldrin gave good control suspassing for decresed the population density of larvae in host plants, but "D-D" was not so good.
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