- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the "Picture-story Method of Expression" on identity establishment. The experimental group included 14 female students who experienced the "Picture-story Method of Expression" for a period of about 2 months once a week. The change of identity was measured by doing the Multi-dimensional Ego Identity Scale (MEIS) before and after the "Picture-story Method of Expression". The control group had 57 female students who were tested at the same time by using the same scale as the experimental group. Results in the categories of "Self-Sameness, Continuity" and "Self-Identity" in the experimental group were higher than those of the control group. In spite of the group enforcement for a short period, such changes in the time dimension of identity were observed. As one of the causal elements of the changes, importance was noted of the drawing which provided the participants a container for internal experience. In addition, the characteristics of the 2 drawing methods that were presented at this time were discussed. It was suggested that the direct drawing of a "felt sense" had ease and the indirect drawing of a "felt sense" had a high symbolic nature.
- 盛岡大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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