- 論文の詳細を見る
In this research, I have reported on the case of a female adolescent with the problem of personal relationships. By examining this case, I have clarified that sandplay therapy utilizes the 3 aspects of the defense system as follows. 1) Structural defense: This therapy uses the structure of drama in which a drama is played out in a sand box and the client and therapist observe it. 2) Functional defense: The client establishes boundaries by using the sand box, sand and miniature objects, and this brings him/her a sense of security. Thus he/she expresses this fictional world with consistency. The functions of 'separation and protection' 'consistency' and 'fiction' work as safety valves. 3) Symbolic defense: The miniature objects sometimes are used as symbols of defense. Furthermore, I have pointed out that over time, the client's defenses change. As the client has the feeling of full protection, his/her boundaries spread out and may even disappear.
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