過疎山村の生活と課題 : 飯田市法全寺集落の事例
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The overpopulated and the drift of population away from the countryside have been progressing consistently because of the changes of the high economic-growth of Japan. This phenomena of population has brought various kinds of impacts upon the community, causing the alternation to the society and, as we know, causing the problems of the society. This writing is, however, a study of those phenomena of population. For instance, we look through the drifting of population of the villages, the effects of these alternations, and how the villages correspond to it. And this is only a part of the results of our investigation, that we conducted in a Central Japanese rural community "Hozenji", which is located in lida City of Nagano Prefecture. In this writing, we especially paid attention to the changing of the festival of the worship dedicated to the ancestor "the Ueden"; the process of the re-organization in the neighborhood; the change of the year's festivals "Nenchugyoji". As a result, we would like to study the way how the villagers correspond, and we particularly studied the campaign of the "Doshikai", which has been organized for the reprosperation of the village. Moreover, this part of writing is written at the same time with the investigation of "The Study and Practice of Community", which is carried out in 1988.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1990-03-25
木下 英司
矢野 敬生
木下 英司
矢野 敬生
柿崎 京一
柿崎 京一
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