東京湾漁村の史的展開と社会変動(1) : 木更津市金田地区中野集落の事例
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The Bay of Tokyo was once full of fishery resources and there used to be a number of fishing villages along the coast. Since 20th century, however, because of the overdevelopment of the seaside industrial zone and the expansion of urban area, the environmental pollution has gotten worse and the reclaimed land over the sea has steadily progressed. Because of the worsened environment for fishing ground, the inshore fishery has rapidly declined, along with disappearance of these fishing villages, as a result. This research was conducted in Kaneda district in Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture and that is the only fishing village area along the Bay of Tokyo where people still depend their living mainly on fishery. We particularly chose Nakano rural community located inland area. We mainly look through the conflict with other fishing villages around that community, considering some of the incidents after the mid-19th Century and describe the historical development and analyze it. To be more concrete, we would like to examine the historical process of Nakano rural community from two aspects. 1) The change of the land reform projects concerning the farm land and the water for irrigation. 2) The process of how the Fishing Cooperatives were developed. In addition, we would like to make clear of the structure of the changing fishing village by analyzing the self-government organization and social stratification of the rural community.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1991-03-25
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