韓国における豊漁祭の現在 : 西海岸忠南唐津郡内島豊漁堂クッの事例
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In this paper is intended to investigate 'dongje' of the fishing festival ('anseom-pungeodanggud') of a coastal fishing community in west Korea. Through our analysis of this festival from the viewpoint of ritual process, we discover the present state of the 'dongje' in Korea. Though this festival has not been held since 1970's, with the decline of fishery. But revival in 1993, with a due to cooperation of local volunteer and traditional folk-belief revival policy. To sum up the major characteristies of this village ('maeul') festival are following: (1) Historically Korean cultural tradition has a syncretic phase of Confucianism and Shamanism. So the form of 'dongje' has the dual structure between Confucianism ritual ('dangje') and shamanistic ritual ('danggud'). But the fishing farming village festival has a character of 'danggud' rather than farming village. (2) In general folk religious rite in Korea is largely divided into the family rite (called 'gasinje') and the village rite (called 'dongje'). Family god rites pray for a peace and fortune of each home, and the village rites pray for a peace and good harvest (or big catch). 'Anseom- pungeodangud' taken up here is a mechanism which strengthens solidarity in the community. (3) However, this festival was supervised by 'mudang' (shaman) who lives in the town. So this festival has an ascendancy over the local commonality than the individuality of a village. (4) This festival comprehends some individual rites with specific purpose. (5) The ritual process is basically composed of three stages, that is (a) Calling God ('gangsin'), (b) Pleasuring God ('osin'), (c) Sending God ('songsin'). (6) Each individual rites includes in symbolic behaviors for defending villagers against some devils ('jabggi').
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 2004-04-01
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