宗族マウルにおける水利慣行 : 韓国忠清南道唐津郡宗族マウルの事例
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This study clarifies the fundamental structure of a rural village in Korea through a feildwork of the practice and managment of the irrigation system in the village. In this study, an irrigation association in the "Jongjok-Maeul" (lineage village) was especially focused. The subject of investigation is the irrigathion is the irrgation association, which is "Sangdosurike" of a "Jongjok-Maeul" in Chungchong-Do Province. The social relationship of the "Jongjok-Maeul" is composed based on two kinds of mediations such as land (localtiy) and "Munjung" (consanguinity). Those mediations are foundation for the social structure of "Jongjok-Maeul". The Irrigation association shows such characteristice of the social structure remarkably and concretely. In conclusion, the cooperation in the village was weak, because the principle of "Munjung" stronelv affected the social relationshins of "Joneiok-Maeul"
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 2000-08-01
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