A Survey of the Difference in Language Sensitivity Between Japanese and Americans : A Preliminary Study
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The goal of this survey is to discover the difference in sensitivity that Americans and Japanese have towards their languages. Thank you for taking time to cooperate with us by answering the following questions. 1 Gender: Male Female 2 Age: years old 3 Mother Tongue: 4 Second Language: 5 Number of years spent studying second language: years. Suppose that you are a college student who comes across a university by the name of "Gifu University." (The university that you attend may or may not be Gifu University.) At a student meeting, a decision has been made to make a T-shirt with the university's name on it. The following 4 T-shirts were nominated for candidacy. Note that all 4 versions (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Roman characters) mean "Gifu University." On the following scale of 1 to 5, please express to what degree you would like to wear each T-shirt. (Please circle the number that is most appropriate.) [figure][figure] Thank you very much for your cooperation. Hideki Maki
- 岐阜大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
伊藤 佳代子
牧 秀樹
内堀 朝子
松井 久恵
Salem International University
森島 玉峰
後藤 瑛子
内堀 朝子
五百蔵 和子
University of Florida
廣岡 恒明
五百蔵 和子
University Of Florida Department Of African & Asian Languages & Literatures
廣岡 恒明
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