カロリー計による坂道歩行と階段歩行のエネルギー消費量の評価 : 運動習慣を有する学生の場合
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of a calorie counter (Kenz Calorie Counter Select 2) for the estimation of energy expenditure during walking slopes and stairs. Subjects were 60 students (21 men and 39 women) who worked out on a regular basis. The main findings of this study are as follows; 1) The mean difference in the value of energy expenditure during level, slope (up or down), and stairs (up or down) walking between the calorie counter and that measured by oxygen uptake was 0.019, -0.029, 0.050, -0.049, and 0.055 kcal/kg/min, respectively for men. For women, the mean difference was 0.027, -0.017, 0.053, -0.042, and 0.061 kcal/kg/min, respectively. The energy expenditure by the calorie counter was significantly higher than that measured by oxygen uptake for level, downslope, and downstairs walking, but was significantly lower for upslope and upstairs walking. 2) The mean differences (percentage) in the value of energy expenditure of up and down slope walking and stairs walking between the two methods were 0.010 kcal/kg/min (11.8%), and -0.003 kcal/kg/min (3.2%), respectively for men and 0.018 kcal/kg/min (21.4%), and 0.009 kcal/kg/min (9.7%), respectively for women. The differences were smaller for the stairs walking compared to the slope walking. These results suggested that the estimation of energy expenditure during walking with slopes and stairs by the calorie counter included some errors.
- 武蔵丘短期大学の論文
- 1998-03-15
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