Design and Construction of Tagging Counters for STB Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
笠木 治郎
中林 匡
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
山崎 寛仁
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
木下 忠
中林 匡
木下 忠
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
笠木 治郎太
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
笠木 治郎太
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
笠木 治郎太
広田 克也
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:(present Office)riken
山崎 寛仁
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
山崎 寛仁
伊藤 貴史
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
広田 克也
SPring-8, JASRI
伊藤 貴史
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
- 水素観察のためのマイクロ・ビーム核反応法装置の開発と応用
- 24pZD-10 液体金属Liを用いた低エネルギーLi+d反応測定(24pZD 高スピン・核融合・超重核,実験核物理領域)
- 27aSE-8 金属中で起こる低エネルギーD+D→p+t反応のp/t収量比測定(27aSE 加速器・イオン源・標的,実験核物理領域)
- 3a-H-4 ガニル国際共同研究報告"^
- Status Report of Neutral Kaon photo-production study using Neutral Kaon Spectrometer 2 (NKS2) at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 22aYF-14 ミュオン崩壊電子検出のための波長変換ファイバーを用いたシンチレーション検出器の開発2(22aYF 粒子・光検出器,実験核物理領域)
- Double Pion Photoproduction on Deuteron(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Strangeness Photo-production in the Threshold Region at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Liquid Deuterium Target(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 26pSE-1 チェレンコフ光を用いたミュオン崩壊電子検出のための検出器開発(26pSE 粒子・光検出器,実験核物理領域)
- 26pSE-2 ミュオン崩壊電子検出のための波長変換ファイバーを用いたシンチレーション検出器の開発(26pSE 粒子・光検出器,実験核物理領域)
- 24pYF-9 重陽子からの中性中間子光生成反応による核子共鳴の研究(24pYF 中性子生成・対象性・ミュオン,実験核物理領域)
- 28pSE-8 d(γ,η)反応測定による中性子励起核子共鳴の研究(28pSE 中間子生成・ハドロン構造,実験核物理領域)
- 23pSF-2 生成閾値エネルギーでのη中間子光生成を用いた原子核内核子共鳴状態の研究(23pSF 中間子生成,実験核物理領域)
- 27aWB-4 d(γ,η)反応による中性子励起核子共鳴の研究(27aWB ハドロン物理・中間子生成,実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同招待講演,実験核物理領域)
- 27aWB-5 GeV光子によるD(γ,π^0)反応の測定(27aWB ハドロン物理・中間子生成,実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同招待講演,実験核物理領域)
- Photoproduction of η-mesons off C and Cu Nuclei for Photon Energies below 1.1 GeV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 12p-D-4 ^Cfの分裂核破片の構造
- 22aYF-3 電子ビームによる大型BSO単結晶のエネルギー応答性の測定(22aYF 粒子・光検出器,実験核物理領域)
- 22aYF-5 改良型PWOクリスタルのエネルギー分解能測定(22aYF 粒子・光検出器,実験核物理領域)
- Current status of the electro-magnetic calorimeter SCISSORS 3
- 22aSF-5 Construction of a new electron beamline for detector performance tests at LNS
- 22aSF-6 Construction of a new gamma detector system at LNS
- Installation of a Dipole Electromagnet RTAGX(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Construction of a Forward Electro-magnetic Calorimeter SCISSORS III(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Search for s-channel Baryon Resonances in the γp→α_0(980)p Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Development of a New Tagging System for GeV-γ Beam at LNS(I. Nuclear Physics)
- New GeV-γ Beam Line(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 29pZC-9 ^Cf自発核分裂に伴う高エネルギーγ線の測定(対称性・基礎物理エキゾティクス・宇宙核物理)(実験核物理)
- Development of Neutron Multiplicity Measurement Method in (γ, xn) Reactions(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30p-N-9 E1巨大共鳴の励起エネルギー・スピン依存性
- 5A-J-12 ^Kr+^Al, ^Fe(E_L=10.5MeV/u)反応における核分裂片と軽粒子の相関
- 13a-D-8 26MeV/核子の^Ar+Ni, ^Mo, ^Sn反応からの高エネルギーγ線
- 13a-D-4 26MeV/核子の^Ar+Ni, ^Mo, ^Sn反応からの中性子放出
- 8p-H-7 pure CsIシンチレータの陽子、重陽子及び中性子に対する応答
- 27a-SPS-1 1GeV領域での原子核からのπ^0、η^0中間子光生成
- 30p-R-6 pureCsI検出器の電子, ハドロンに対する応答
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Beam Test of a BSO Calorimeter(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Development of a Liquid Deuterium Target System for the Neutral Kaon Spectrometer(I. Nuclear Physics)
- A Quasi-free Photo-production of Neutral Kaons on ^C in the Threshold Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 24aWF-9 (γ, η)反応による原子核内S_(1535)状態の研究
- Observation of S_ (1535) in Nuclei via (γ, η) with STB Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 23pTD-7 共鳴核反応法を用いた水素顕微鏡の開発II(水素ダイナミクス,領域9,領域10合同講演,領域9,表面・界面,結晶成長)
- 25pPSB-72 共鳴核反応法を用いた水素顕微鏡の開発(25pPSB 領域9ポスターセッション,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- The 200 MeV Bremsstrahlung Tagged Photon Beam at LNS-Sendai(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Energy Calibration of the STB-Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Carbon in the Threshold Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Radiation Damage of CCD Sensors by Electron Beam Irradiation(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Search for Two Nucleon States by the ^C (γ, pn) ^B Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^Ca (e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer Region with Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Comparison of the ^O(e, e'p) Cross Section at Low Momentum Transfer with Relativistic Calculations Including MEC(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- The 1.2 GeV Photon Tagging System (STB-Tagger) at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)
- The Energy Calibration of the Photon Beam from the STB-Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 24pYR-1 東北大核理研GeV標識化ガンマ線ビームラインの開発
- Momentum Distribution of η Meson on A (γ, η) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Development of a Movable Radiator System for the STB Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30p-YH-8 (γ, η)反応全断面積の標的質量数依存性の研究
- 30p-YH-7 ^C(γ, η)反応による原子核内S_(1535)の共鳴幅の研究
- 30a-H-4 BaF_2シンチレータの 100〜250 MeV 領域の陽子に対する応答
- Observation of S_ Resonance in Nuclei via (γ, η) Reactions(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 10pSF-10 光子エネルギー標識化システムの開発研究
- Photon Tagging System for 1.2 GeV STB Ring (STB Tagger)(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Conceptual Design of the 1.2 GeV Photon Tagging System (STB Tagger)(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Measurement of Branching Ratio of the d+d Reaction in Metals below 12 keV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 31aSC-2 金属中における keV エネルギー d+d 反応の分岐比測定
- Solid Hydrogen Target for GeV Photon Experiments(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Design and Construction of Tagging Counters for STB Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Design and Construction of Multi-detectors System with 148 Pure CsI Scintillators (SCISSORS)(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 31aSB-9 pure CsIを用いたガンマ線カロリーメーターの開発
- 31aSB-8 1.2GeVガンマ線標識化装置の開発
- 23aSC-7 1.2GeV ガンマ線標識化装置の開発
- Li+D Reaction in Pd and Au for 30
- Enhanced ^Li+d Reactions in Pd(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 31aSA-1 Pd中へのD^+イオン照射時におけるα粒子放出
- 26pSC-2 低エネルギー重陽子照射によるPd中での^6Li(d, α)^4He 及び^7Li(d, α)^5He反応
- 固体金属中の核融合 : 金属は核反応の特殊環境か?
- 31a-G-5 1GeV光子による原子核標的でのη中間子光生成反応の研究