Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The (e, e' n) cross sections have been measured in the giant resonance region at three momentum transfers. The E1 cross section shows a shallow minimum at 22 MeV. It is believed that the reaction mechanism is different from each other in the both sides of the minimum. The angular distribution of emitted neutrons and the momentum-transfer dependence of the cross section suggest that the E2 component is distributed over a wide energy region. About 40% of branching-ratio is observed to leave the residual ^8Be nucleus at levels of 16.6 and 16.9 MeV.
- 東北大学の論文
今野 収
高橋 一憲
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University:(present Office)art Kagaku Co. Ltd
木野 幸一
玉江 忠明
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
山崎 寛仁
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
今野 收
寺沢 辰生
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
坪田 博明
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
木野 幸一
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
木野 幸一
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University
山崎 寛仁
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
寺沢 辰生
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
今野 收
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
西川 至
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
山口 佳美
今野 收
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ichinoseki National College of Technology
山口 佳美
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
神田 浩樹
Physics Department, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
西川 至
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
宮瀬 晴久
Physics Department, Graduate school of Science, Tohoku University
坪田 博明
Physics Department, Graduate school of Science, Tohoku University
宇藤山 満
Physics Department, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
戸田 勇人
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
朝野 譲
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
Maeda K.
Physics Department, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
渡部 政義
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
渡部 政義
渡部 政義
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
玉江 忠明
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
玉江 忠明
宇藤山 満
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Maeda K
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
戸田 勇人
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:toshiba Co.
Youn H.
朝野 譲
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:catena Corp.
木野 転一
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- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
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- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
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- Study of Giant Resonances in the ^Mg (e, e'α) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
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- Study on ^Mg (e, e' α) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 25aWH-6 低運動量移行領域における^Ca(e,e'p)反応(軽イオン核反応,実験核物理)
- 25aWH-6 低運動量移行領域における^Ca(e,e'p)反応(軽イオン核反応,実験核物理)
- 25aWH-6 低運動量移行領域における^Ca(e,e'p)反応(軽イオン核反応,実験核物理)
- 25aWH-6 低運動量移行領域における^Ca(e,e'p)反応(軽イオン核反応,実験核物理)
- 25aWH-6 低運動量移行領域における^Ca(e,e'p)反応(軽イオン核反応,実験核物理)
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- 27p-GH-2 150MeV電子パルスビームストレッチャー
- 28pZB-3 K^0光生成実験用液体重水素標的の開発(3)(イオン源・加速器等)(実験核物理)
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- The 1.2 GeV Photon Tagging System (STB-Tagger) at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)
- The Energy Calibration of the Photon Beam from the STB-Tagger(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 9a-F-2 標識光子を用いた^B(γ.pn)反応角度相関測定(I)
- 13p-PS-16 Tagged Photon を用いた^C(γ,n)反応
- Comparison of the ^C(e, e'p) Cross Sections at Low Momentum Transfer With Relativistic Calculations(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Study of (e, e' α) Reaction on ^9Be(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 30aSG-9 偏極重陽子内部標的用ラムシフト型偏極度計の開発2
- Study of ^C(e, e' p) Reaction at an Energy Transfer of 60 MeV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 24pSC-6 音響による粒子検出器の開発
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- 26aGM-3 閾値領域での重水素標的におけるK中間子生成機構の研究(26aGM 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 ハドロン構造・中間子生成(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 16pRK-6 電磁相互作用によるK☆O☆中間子準自由生成過程の研究 2(ハイパー核・ストレンジネス,実験核物理,理論核物理合同,実験核物理)