顧客維持活動がストア・ロイヤルティにもたらす効果 : 店舗規模を考慮したコンティンジェンシー・アプローチ
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In retailing, despite the increasing importance of the customer retention, studies investigating the effect of customer retention activities are few. This study examines the effect of such activities on store loyalty. Four potential retention activities are examined in this study: loyalty-card program; communication with the store personnel; constant contact with customers; and change in the shop. The results provide support for the positive effect of these activities on customer store loyalty. But effects of two activities; communication with the store personnel and constant contact with customers, are contingent between store loyalty and store size. In other words, the effect of customer retention activities on store loyalty depends on store size in the retailing context. Implications of the results are discussed.
- 静岡県立大学の論文
- 2003-10-15
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