- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper consists of the translation of two articles from 'Philosophers on Education' edited by Amelie Rorty (London, Routledge, 1998). Based on such an understanding that philosophy is implicitly pedagogical, this book aims to provide a historical description of educational viewpoints among various philosophers. In the former article entitled the Ruling History of Education, Rorty gives a brief historical overview of the history of educational ideas in terms of the history of philosophy. With her aim in mind, various contributors try to depict the educational ideas of philosophers, including relatively unfamiliar figures in the history of education such as Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza and Leibniz. The latter article entitled Descartes, or the Cultivation of the Intellect, which was written by Daniel Garber, tries to understand Descartes' philosophy as educational thought. This attempt might give some suggestion as to how the framework of the hisotorical study on educational thought can be widened.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 1999-09-30
- コメニウスにおける地理と教育
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