住民訴訟における損害について : いわゆる4号請求における損益相殺で違法な行為による利得を控除できるか
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The appeal court of Okinawa Yanbaru Lawsuit repealed the district court decision which held liable those involved in the construction of Oku-Yona forest road due to its illegality. The road which runs across the core areas of Yanbaru forest from north to south has caused environmental destruction detrimental to its indigenous bio-diversity. According to the appeal court decision, Okinawa prefecture has suffered no monetary damages because it has received and thereafter used the forest road as originally planned. Aside from the factual misunderstanding regarding the forest road utilization, the impact of the decision is so extensive as to undermine the usefulness of the citizensuit provision provided under section 242-2 of the Local Autonomy Law. Why so? Because the decision implies that local governments sued thereunder can easily escape legal liabilities by way of completing the project sought to be ceased. To be more specific, shrewd local governments would be tempted to enforce and hasten the project by all means in spite of local people's opposition since the completion will relieve them of legal liabilities under the appeal court's rationale above mentioned. What does this mean? Although the citizensuit provision modeled after taxpayers lawsuit in U.S. has functioned to be a indispensable weapon for local people to watchdog the extravagance of expenditures primarily for notorious public works, the appeal court decision might paralyze the essence of such legal system by erroneously interpreting the concept of "damage" under the citizensuit provision. In short, the decision has created a loophole for local governments free from legal scrutiny initiated by local people. This article criticizes the appeal court decision. First it introduces part of the decision in which the court denied the local people's claim of abatement and damage regarding Oku-Yona forest road construction with the emphasis on its interpretation of "damage". Secondly this article examines constitutional issues specifically under section 94 and 32 of the Constitution in light of the court handling of the above abatement and damage claim. Furthermore it probes the Supreme Court decisions relating to the "damage" concept especially in the context of damage and profit setoff by contrast with the appeal court's rulings. Then this article argues some other legal issues raised by the appeal court. Finally it concludes that the appeal court decision is contrary to the precedents of the Supreme Court decisions as well as established regal principles.
- 2005-05-20
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