地域森林計画策定と林道事業をめぐる諸問題 : 沖縄北部地域森林計画事例から見たやんばる破壊と今後の課題について
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Generally speaking, forest road projects are conducted under a local forest plan. This article examines the process of its formulation as well as the content itself with special reference to the Okinawa Northern District Local Forest Plan in which the total project amount of forest road projects in Yanbaru areas during the ten years beginning 2004 is decided. First, this article introduces the real status of forests and forestry in Okinawa with emphasis on Yanbaru areas celebrated with its peculiar bio-diversity. This works are significant in order to demonstrate the necessity and effectiveness of forest road projects in Yanbaru areas. Then this article moves to analyze the rationality of establishing the forest roads reaching as far as 61.0km and of improving the specific sites of forest roads amounting to as many as 255 places, which are specified in the Okinawa Northern District Local Forest Plan. Are these projects are persuasively evaluated in light of necessity and effectiveness? What if these projects are completed as originally planed? While Yanbaru is admired world-wide for its academic values as a Galapagos island in the Orient, can it still survive such as one of candidate areas for the world natural heritage site? Is it true that an environmental impact assessment has never conducted despite the applicability of the Okinawa Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance? Finally, as a conclusion, this article proposes to suspend the above Plan because it only results in destroying precious natural areas with eventually no merits even for the local communities.
- 2006-01-30
- 地域森林計画策定と林道事業をめぐる諸問題 : 沖縄北部地域森林計画事例から見たやんばる破壊と今後の課題について
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