有害廃棄物の越境移動と国際環境正義 : いわゆるニッソー事件とバーゼル条約をめぐる法的諸問題について
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The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal was adopted in 1989 and has become effective since 1992. The Convention, ratified by the Japanese Diet in the same year of 1992 and effective since after its ratification in the following year of 1993, has established such a control system as requires "prior informed consent" of related party nations for the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, while short of totally banning such movement. To domestically implement the prior informed consent requirement embodied in the Convention, each party nation is mandated to legislate domestic laws for the fulfilment of obligations under the Convention. Japan has enacted and amended such laws according to the Convention's direction, exercising broad discretion bestowed thereunder. The socalled Nisso case highlighted the effectiveness of Japan's domestic implementing system of the Convention. The case revealed many controversial issues among which were the relationships between the Convention and Japan's implementing domestic laws, its insufficient check system allowing the export of hazardous wastes under the pretext of recyclable materials and the responsibilitis of both individuals and nations involved, Japan and Philippine, under the Convention. This article recognizes the issues of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes as a matter of not only North-South problem but also human rights concern with international significance. From such a standpoint, this article discusses the case's legal issues relating to the liabilities of interested parties as individuals and nations involved with emphasis on the intercourse between the Convention and its Japan's implementing domestic laws. Finally, this article refers to the necesity of paradigm shift in Japan's wastes policy to effectively achieve the Convention's noble goals.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2005-01-31
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