A Case Report of Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy UsingShort-term Temporary Pacing in the Evaluation of a Non-responder forPacing Therapy
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Dual-chamber (DDD) pacing is a therapeutic strategy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), but some patients show deterioration after implantation of the DDD pacemaker. We report a case of HOCM with shortness of breath upon physical exertion. To evaluate the suitability of pacing therapy, the acute effects of DDD pacing and short-term results using temporary VDD pacing were examined. The acute study demonstrated a mild reduction in the pressure gradient within the left ventricle. After 1 week of VDD pacing, a left ventriculography showed apical dyskinesis, with no effect on subjective symptoms or the blood concentration of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) observed. Newly developed asynergy may be caused by changes in the contractile pattern. The patient underwent a myotomy-myectomy. After the operation, her subjective symptoms disappeared, and the hemodynamic parameters and blood concentration of BNP improved compared with those before the operation. The response to 1-week temporary VDD pacing can provide valuable data such as hemodynamics and neurohormonal changes in distinguishing between responders and nonresponders for pacing therapy.
- 新潟大学の論文
Kato Kiminori
Division of Cardiology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Aizawa Yoshiyasu
神戸大学 医学部
Kato Kiminori
新潟大学 医歯総合研究 循環器科
Hirono S
Niigata Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine And Dental Sci. Niigata Jpn
Kodama M
Niigata Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine And Dental Sci. Niigata Jpn
Kodama Makoto
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Cardiovascular And Vital Control Niigata University Graduate Sc
Kato K
Niigata Univ. Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sci. Niigata Jpn
Kato Kiminori
Division Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Department Of Homeostatic Regulation And Development Niigat
Haruo Hanawa
First Department Of Internal Medicine Niigata University Scoolof Medicine
Kiminori KATO
Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular and Vital Control,Course for Biological Functio
Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular and Vital Control,Course for Biological Functio
Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular and Vital Control,Course for Biological Functio
Tohru Fukuzaki
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Cardiovascular And Vital Control Course For Biological Function
Makoto Kodama
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Cardiovascular And Vital Control Course For Biological Function
Division of Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular and Vital Control,Course for Biological Function and Medical Control, Niigata University
Kato Kiminori
Division of Cardiology, Niigata Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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