- 論文の詳細を見る
There is a still residential area that is called Jyonai-jyutaku (城内住宅 : houses in the castle),in the Maizuru (舞鶴公園) park. This park is in ruins of the Fukuoka castle before. Jyonai jyutaku House was constructed for people struck by the World War II damage, and so that those from the oversea land who repatriated it might live. They were the people who had lost all the properties for the war. 60 years passed after the war had ended. The move is requested to each Jyonai house, for the purpose. of integrate Oohori park (大濠公園) with Maizuru park and to build the great central city park. This residential area existed in Sengo (戦後) ,the age of postwar days. However, if the Sengo days ends, being demolished is a fate of this town. We thought that we will make the record concerning this town. And, the interview investigation was done. Six representatives gathered, and the meeting that heard the story was held first. Then, the memories story of this house in which it lasted 60 was heard. Case of the married couple named Mr. /Ms. Kobayashi who lives in this house, the husband put on the khaki soldier, went to Philipino Negros island, had a narrow escape from death, and returned alive. The wife remained in Fukuoka, her houses was burnt in the damage of the air raid by the U.S.Army. Mr. Kobayashi is preserving the diary in the military forces age. Such a pocketbook is very valuable. It is possible to examine it comparing the both release and the description of the pocketbook. The talk becomes very concrete. These story talk about non-humanity that the war brings.はじめに 第1部 町民館・座談会の記録 資料1-『城内町二十年の動向』(城内自治会・城内土地対策委員会) 資料2-『城内住宅取扱方針』 第2部 小林夫妻の戦争体験-記憶・記録 その1 小林正夫氏・ネグロス島からの生還 資料3-小林正夫氏・軍隊日記 資料4-陸軍戦時名簿(小林正夫氏兵役履歴)資料5-長男の戦死広報(毎日新聞西部本社版) その2 小林種子さんと福岡空襲 資料6-小林種子さんの手記
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