史跡福岡城跡、下の橋門・復元批判 : 近世城郭理解への問い
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This paper covers research examining the restoration work of the Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate inside the Fukuoka-jocastle. The ground floor of Shimo-no-hashi-mon (lit. the Lower Bridge Gate) still exists. However, photos depicting theoriginal structure of the gate do not exist. Fukuoka City is doing restoration works of Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate basedon images of the Kami-no-hashi-mon gate old photos of which still remain.The most similar building to this Shimo-no-hashi-mon gate is honmaru-omote-mon gate. The window shutters of thehonmaru-omote-mon gate are hung by hinges and projected from the wall when they are open.In this style of window which is similar to Bahama shutter style, the window looks consecutive with the wall, and thenumber of windows can be doubled that of the sliding shutter style windows needing storage place behind the wall.The upper half of the Shimo-no-hashi-mon Gate door is a lattice and has holes through which you can shoot at theenemies.The restoration plan made by Fukuoka City assumed that the part colored white in the black and white photo was awall and decided to make sliding shutter style windows on the wall. It is argued, however, the part coloured white isthe shutter which made look lighter than it should be in the photo by overexposure.The restoration plan made by Fukuoka City has failed to catch the characters and values Fukuoka castle gates. Inaddition, it also points out that the restoration plan has made a mistake to make the passage of the second floor notpassable
- 2007-11-23
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