鄂倫春"集落"(烏力楞)構成規模考 : 従民俗地理学的視角展開
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The purpose of this study is to put various findings concerning settlement size of the Orochon in order. The Orochon settlements were investigated by means of fieldwork mainly by Japanese scholars from the 1950s to 1960s, while on the other hand Chinese scholars depended upon the elders' memories concerning their hunting-gathering way of life before 1940. As a result, the settlements of the Orochon as hunter-gatherers in many cases consisted of several households from 1900 to 1940. There were a few cases where one settlement consisted of just one household. So to speak, the spatial distribution of households was not the scattered settlement pattern. So far the residential mobility has been found in the world hunter-gatherer societies, such as those of the San, Mbuti Pygmie, Hadza, Hare Indian, Inuit, and Ainu. This was caused by the inter-settlement movement of households. The residents of the settlements were found in different settlements before the time they were surveyed. Theoretically, the residential mobility did not cause the dispersed settlement pattern. The settlement size and pattern suggest that fluid residential mobility was commonin the Orochon as hunter-gatherers from 1900 to 1940.
- 岩手大学の論文
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