観測にむだ時間を含む系の遅延フィードバック制御による安定化制御(J16-1,J16 工学的応用に向けた複雑系の能動制御)
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This paper presents a new control method using Delayed Feedback Control Method to stabilize a system with observation-time-delay. Smith-predictor, which is a method to predict outputs of a system using a model including delay-time, or State Predictive Control, which is a method to predict states of a system after a delay time, is a typical control method to stabilize a time-delay system. However, Smith-predictor can treat only stable systems and although a numerical-integration of matrix exponential function is needed for state prediction, it is difficult to calculate predictor value practically. So authors use a stabilization control method to take State Feedback Control Method together with Delayed Feedback Control Method and have proved this method can stabilize a time-delay system. Numerical simulation and experiment on stabilizing a serial double inverted pendulum with observation-time-delay demonstrate this method is effective.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-09-04
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