教育関係における権威論の再検討 : 英語圏の教育学における徳倫理学的観点からの可能性
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It is thought that the argument on a teacher's authority or an educator's authority is generally dispute-like, and is not necessarily productive. However, authority has not necessarily been completely refused in an educational ring since the appearance of modern education. In fact, it is practically difficult to refuse educational authority. Moreover, if the problem group between heteronomy and autonomy and the so-called "educational paradox: a child is accepted and can grow by being treated as a child in an adult" are taken into consideration, the directivity will be clarifying old misunderstanding and the old limit in an authority view first of all through scrutinization of educational authority. However, authors do not think that the fundamental subject in an authority theory dissolves completely in the framework of a teaching profession theory here these days by accumulating experientially each of the important and concrete function for which a teacher is asked, or speciality nature. Probably, it will be important by recatching the authority itself anew in the context in pedagogy to find out the route which resuscitates educational authority, abandoning rather the juristic deviation which coils round an authority theory. In the first place, authors survey about the historical character of general authority first. Authors take up clarification of "authority" concept, a justification problem of authority, etc. by Peters, R. S. and Wilson, J. and others which are in the genealogy of analytic philosophy of education the second, and survey deployment of the authority theory by which a series was refined. In response to them, authors plan recatching about the state of educational authority to the third from the argument on the latest virtue-approach in Steutel, J. & Spiecker, B. and others. Authors examine the possibility of the educational authority theory from an virtue-ethical viewpoint. An intention of authors is not driving a new wedge into educational relationship between a teacher and a student, and is obtaining a certain useful suggestion by going back to the starting point at which educational relationship occurs.
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