Morphological Caste Differences in Some Neotropical Swarm-founding Polistine Wasps : II. Polybia dimidiata (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)
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A distinct dimorphism between queens (inseminated egg-layers) and workers (uninseminated non-egg-layers) was found in a colony of Polybia dimidiata collected in Ribeirao Preto, southeastern Brazil. Mean sizes (or number) of 20 out of 24 body parts of the queens (n=30) were statistically smaller than those of workers (n=270), while queens were larger only in two parts, i.e., mesosomal height and apical width of tergite II (t-test, p<0.05). The Q/W ratio in the alitrunk length was 0.87, indicating the queen dwarfism in this species. The canonical discriminant analysis also showed clear dimorphism with a Mahalanobis's intercaste distance (D^2) 6.76. Some caste-linked color differences occurred on head, mesosoma and metasoma where the discriminant morphological characters were detected. Besides, castes also differed in pronotal contour and RICHARDS' gland.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1996-03-25
Shima Noriko
Departamento De Zoologia E Centro De Estudos De Insetos Sociais Instituto De Biociencias Universidad
Shima Noriko
Departamento De Zoologia E Centro De Estudos De Insetos Sociais Instituto Biociencias Universidade E
Yamane Soichi
Biological Laboratory Faculty Of Education Ibaraki University
ZUCCHI Ronaldo
Departamento de Biologia
Zucchi Ronaldo
Departmento De Biologia Faculdade De Filosofia Ciencias E Letras De Ribeirao Preto Universidade De S
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