Some Biological Observations on a Paper Wasp, Polistes (Megapolistes) tepidus malayanus CAMERON (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in New Guinea
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Bionomics of a paper wasp Polistes (Megapolistes) tepidus malayanus CAMERON in New Guinea is briefly described and discussed based on 37 cell maps and the dissection of some selected nests. The nest is horizontal, the dorsal surface is strongly convex, and the petiole is vertical and central. Cocooned cells are simultaneously used to rear two successive broods. The cell is continuously elongated after cocoon spinning by the first larva and the second brood is reared before emergence of the first one. Nests are seemingly founded in any season by haplometrosis or pleometrosis due to warm and mild climatic conditions, resulting in the occurrence of nests of various stages at any moment. The duration of a single nesting cycle seems relatively short, probably less than one year, as in other Polistes species and the cycle is thus seemingly repeated up to twice a year.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1977-06-25
Yamane Soichi
Biological Laboratory Faculty Of Education Ibaraki University
Okazawa Takao
Zoological Institute Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
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