Nesting Biology of a Quasisocial Sphecid Wasp Trypoxylon fabricator : I. Nests and Inhabitants
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The Neotropical spider hunting wasp Trypoxylon fabricator SMITH builds mud nests mainly on vertical walls. Nests are combed, consisting of cells made in parallel but cells not sharing walls with each other. Cells are reused and some nests contain up to 207 cells ; nests are inhabited by up to 20 adult wasps (more females than males). Cohabiting females are similar in size, age and reproductive condition, and some cases of cell sharing are recorded. Hence the colonies are considered to be quasisocial (MICHENER, 1974). However, cell sharing is evidenced by the presence of some anomalous contents suggesting negative interference. Possibly quasisociality is kept unstable in part by such behavioral noise.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1990-12-25
Zoological Section, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Gobbi Nivar
Departamento De Ecologia Instituto De Biociencias Universidade Estadual Paulista
Sakagami S
Hokkaido University
Sakagami Shoichi
Zoological Section Institute Of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University
Sakagami S
Zoological Section Institute Of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University
ZUCCHI Ronaldo
Departamento de Biologia
Zucchi R
Faculdade De Filosofia Ciencias E Letras De Ribeirao Preto. Bra
Zucchi Ronaldo
Department Of Biology University Of Sao Paulo
Sakagami Shoichi
Zoological Institute Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
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