- 論文の詳細を見る
This case was hypoxia caused by opisthotonic hypertonus and week respiration. In supine position, arterial blood gas pressure was very poor. But I found that breathing assist technique made the gas pressure improve from PaO_2 43.8 mmrlg, PaCO_2 45.4mmHg to PaO_2 83.9 mmHg, PaCO_2 39.5 mmHg. The therapy was given to this case in relaxed sitting position. This pre-operative trial made the operation possible with immediately post chest physical therapy. Intensive chest physical therapy was designed right after post-operation. The physical therapy contained relaxation, breathing assist with specific technique such as spring action technique and facilitation technique to diaphragm. As a result, the patient did not fall into respiratory failure after operation and 40 days later he was trasferred to rehabilitation center hospital.
- 社団法人日本理学療法士協会の論文
- 1984-12-10
- 脳血管障害急性期の呼吸障害に対する肺理学療法 (脳血管障害 : ADL障害における理学療法)
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- 65. 呼吸介助手技が肺気量分画に与える影響
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- 脳動静脈奇形による四肢麻痺患者の開頭術前後の肺理学療法
- 98. 新しく開発した多関節ストラップの使用症例報告
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- 239. 術前に換気機能障害を呈する腹部手術患者に対する予防的肺理学療法
- 238. 胸・腹部外科手術前のスーフルを用いた呼吸訓練が呼吸筋筋力, 肺機能に及ぼす影響
- 153. 上肢筋収縮による下腿三頭筋支配運動細胞の興奮準位の変動