- 論文の詳細を見る
This new orthosis was devised for patient who have spasticity in their lower extremities caused by CVA. The strap is consisted of medial and lateral longitudinal strap, calf cuff, and pelvic belt, Bilateral straps are attached to shoe or other footwear with hook. In tension of the straps, lateral strap is a little more tight than medial one. It is possible to get more normal gait pattern with this strap than with other orthosis such as SLB, Shoehorn, because 1) physiological function of the joint is not limited. 2) to assist initial knee flexion with hip extention in the early stage of swing phase. 3) ankle joint is free except for dorsflexion assist through swing phase and heel strike. 4) ankle joint inversion is controled by lateral strap. In ADL, this strap is more useful for Japanese style of living. Other factor of utility, eg. style, weight, easiness of put the strap on and off, was satisfied.
- 信州大学の論文
- 脳血管障害急性期の呼吸障害に対する肺理学療法 (脳血管障害 : ADL障害における理学療法)
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- 98. 新しく開発した多関節ストラップの使用症例報告
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