Fundamental Research on Mercuryless Fluorescent Lamps II : External Electrode Operation with Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge
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The characteristics of electrodeless xenon discharge fluorescent lamps using dielectric barrier discharge are described in this paper. All lamps were operated with pulsed discharge. The luminance of phosphor increases as the pressure of xenon increases. As the pressure of xenon increases, the second peak of phosphor emission increases. These increases seem to be caused by the VUV light of xenon excimers. Therefore, in order to obtain high luminance, xenon should be filled at high pressure. In the case of the lamp operated by inner electrodes, if only xenon is contained in the lamp, the cathode is bombarded and is damaged by the large mass of a xenon ion. On the other hand, the external electrode type is never damaged by the ions or electrons. Moreover, the efficacy of the external electrode type is as great as the inner electrode type, and it can be improved by increasing the distance between electrodes.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-30
JINNO Masafumi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ehime University
Aono M
Nanoscale Quantum Conductor Array Project Icorp Japan Science And Technology Agency (jst)
Jinno Masafumi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ehime University
AONO Masaharu
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ehime University
KUROKAWA Hisayoshi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ehime University
Kurokawa Hisayoshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ehime University
Aono Masaharu
Dept. Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Aono Masaharu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ehime University
Kurokawa H
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ehime University
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- Fundamental Research on Mercuryless Fluorescent Lamps II : External Electrode Operation with Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge
- Fundamental Research on Mercuryless Fluorescent Lamps I : Inner Electrode Operation with Pulsed Discharge
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