Morphological Change and Inhibitory Effect on Ag Surface by ArF Excimer Laser Irradiation
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We have carried out studies of morphologies of silver surfaces irradiated by ArF eximer laser irradiation in vacuum(10^-3 Pa). Three different morphologies were observed corresponding to various laser fluences. In the high irradiation region(above 600 mJ/cm^2), wave-like ridges and droplets were observed. In the intermediate region(about 200 mJ/cm^2), ripples were observed. In the low irradiation region(below 70 mJ/cm^2), changes were not observed using an optical microscope, but were with an atomic force microscope(AFM). We have clarified that laser irradiation in the fluence range below 70 mJ/cm^2 yields a silver surface with excellent corrosion-resistant properties.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-03-15
Tabata H
Department Of Bioengineering School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Tabata Hitoshi
Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Kawai Tomoji
Institute For Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Mint Bureau, Ministry of Finance
Tabuchi Satomi
Mint Bureau Ministry Of Finance
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