Effect of Mn Doping on the Dielectric Properties of Ba_2Ti_9O_<20> Ceramics at Microwave Frequency
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The effect of Mn doping on the dielectric properties of Ba_2Ti_9O_<20> ceramics has been investigated at microwave frequency. The dielectric constant and the temperature coefficient are not sensitive to the addition of Mn, while the unloaded Q depends strongly upon it as well as on heat treatment at high temperature. A minute addition of Mn leads to an increase in the Q value. A high value of Q of more than 5200 was obtained at 9 GHz with the addition of 0.5〜1.0 mol% Mn.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1983-07-20
NOMURA Shoichiro
Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kaneta Kumiko
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kaneta Kumiko
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology Ookayama
TOMAYA Keiichiro
Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama
Nomura Shoichiro
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology Ookayama
Nomura Shoichiro
Department Of Physical Electromics Tokyo Instiute Of Technology
Nomura Shoichiro
Department Of Physical Electornics Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tomaya Keiichiro
Department Of Physical Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology Ookayama
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