The Preparation and Properties of Silicon Nitride Produced by a Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Reaction of Silane and Nitrogen : Preparation and Properties of Silicon Nitride
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1968-01-05
KUWANO Yukinori
Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Kuwano Yukinori
Research And Development Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
- Effects of Substrate Surface Condition on a-Si Photovoltaic Characteristics : III-4: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS (3) : Device Physics
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- Preparation and Properties of a-SiGe:H:F Films by a Glow Discharge Decomposition
- Raman Study on the Silicon Network of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films Deposited by a Glow Discharge
- The Preparation and Properties of Silicon Nitride Produced by a Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Reaction of Silane and Nitrogen : Preparation and Properties of Silicon Nitride
- Preparation and Properties of a-Si Films Deposited at a High Deposition Rate under a Magnetic Field
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- Preparation and Properties of a-SiGe:H Films Fabricated with a Super Chamber (Separated Ultra-High Vacuum Reaction Chamber)
- Preparation and Properties of High-Quality a-Si Films with a Super Chamber : Separated Ultra-High Vacuum Reaction Chamber
- A New Analytical Method of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
- Light-Induced Effect of a-Si Films Fabricated Using the Super Chamber
- High-Rate Deposition of a-Si:H Film with a Separated Plasma Triode Method
- Preparation and Photovoltaic Characteristics of a-Si Solar Cells Produced by a Consecutive, Separated Reaction Chamber Method : III-2: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS (1) : Proparation Process
- Energy Conversion Process of p-i-n Amorphous Si Solar Cells
- Properties and Photovoltaic Characteristics of a-SiC : H Film : III-3: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS (2) : Characterization
- Analysis of the Photovoltaic Characteristics of p-i-n a-Si Solar Cells : III-3: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS (2) : Characterization
- A New Integrated Type Amorphous Si Solar Cell : III-4: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS : Device Performances
- Effects of Surface Conditions of Substrates upon Performance of a-Si Photovoltaic Cells : III-1: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS : Film Deposition
- Properties of Amorphous Si:F:H Film and Its Photovoltaic Characteristics : III-1: AMORPHOUS SOLAR CELLS : Film Deposition
- A New-Structure IR Gas Sensor
- Modulation Type Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Using LiTaO_3 Single Crystal : P: Pyroelectrics
- A 2 kW Photovoltaic Power Generating System Using a-Si Solar Cells : II-3: SYSTEM AND ARRAY
- A New-Structure LiTaO_3 Pyroelectric Infrared Detector : FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS
- Amorphous Si Photovoltaic Cells and Cell Module : Integrated Cell Module : II-3: AMORPHOUS SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES
- Some Properties of Silicon Nitride Films Produced by Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Reaction of Silane and Nitrogen
- Preparation and Properties of Amorphous Silicon Produced by a Consecutive, Separated Reaction Chamber Method