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Radio-control, free-sailing model experiment provides many useful informations on ship de-sign concerning manoeuvrability. In the analysis of such experiments, a proper mathematical model of ship response should be adopted to interprete the test result. Then we can make up a general description of manoeuvrability of that design, not merely giving a direct record of particular manoeuvres actually performed. The simplest of all is the KT-analysis on zig-zag tests. The mathematical model is [numerical formula] (1) where ψ^^・ denotes yaw-rate and a rudder angle. This KT-model is, however, too simple to include any non-linearity in ship behaviour. It can not take account of higher-order time constants either, which are often significant in the synthesis of automatic steering control. We have previously presented a mathematical model of steering response of a ship, i. e, [numerical formula] (2) This paper relates to a procedure of determining the response parameters K, T_1, T_2, T_3, and α from free-sailing model experiments. That is : (1) the yaw gain K is best determined by the reverse spiral tests only at small range of yaw-rate and (2) the time constants T_1, T_2, and T_3 as well as the nonlinear parameter should then be determined through a least square error iteration analysis on a zig-zag steering test result. Such analysis on four models and eight actual ships are presented.
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