- 論文の詳細を見る
An application of the theory of minimum wave resistance to the practical design of high speed ship forms is introduced. Use is made of the theory, indicated by Krein and Bessho, of the variation of hull forms without change in wave resistance. Tank experiments are conducted with a series of high speed container ship models, of which the hull forms are derived from the theoretical form of minimum wave resistance. The result can well prove the feasibility of the design method proposed here.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
丸尾 孟
丸尾 孟
笠原 和子
田草川 善助
岡田 裕
丸尾 孟
田草川 善助
- 境界層理論を改良した船尾粘性流場の解法
- 境界層理論を改良した船尾粘性流場の解法〔含 討論〕
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- 我が国造船の再生に向けて(21世紀の若者へ)
- 細長体近似による船首波崩れの解析
- 6 Cooperative Resistance Tests with Geosim Models of a High-Speed Semi-Displacement Craft
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- 船尾造波特性に及ぼす境界層・伴流の影響
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- 船体まわりの自由表面流れの非線形計算法
- Theoretical Analysis of Unsteady Characteristics of Marine Propeller in Ship's Wake
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- 非線形計画法による船型設計の基礎的研究(第5報) : 低速造波理論に基づく極小造波抵抗問題
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- 極小造波抵抗の船型
- An Investigation into the Sinkage of a Ship at the Transcritical Speed in Shallow Water
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- プロペラ特性に及ぼす流場不均一性と乱れの影響
- An Investigation into the Sinkage of a Ship at the Transcritical Speed in Shallow Water
- 企業・大学・研究所
- An Investigation into the Sinkage of a Ship at the Transcritical Speed in Shallow Water〔含 討論〕
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- Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments Acting on Ships in Heaving and Pitching Oscillations by Means of an Improvement of the Slender Ship Theory
- Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments Acting on Ships in Heaving and Pitching Oscillations by Means of an Improvement of the Slender Ship Theory
- Wave Resistance of a Ship of Finite Beam Predicted by the Low Speed Theory
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- 極小造波抵抗理論による高速実用船型選定の試み
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- On the Propagation of Surface Waves across a Uniform Wake
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- Ship Forms of Minimum Wave Resistance with Bulbs
- 粘性流体における船の波及び造波抵抗
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- 造波抵抗理論を船型の設計にいかに応用すべきか(上)
- 造波抵抗理論概説
- プライス型流速計の性能に関する実験
- Some Application of the Hot Wire Measurement at the Ship Experimental Tank
- Wave Force on a Submerged Circular Cylinder
- 解析的方法と数値的方法
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- 波浪中の抵抗増加
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- 波浪中の船体抵抗増加に関する研究(第1報)
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