Performance Assessment of ITER-FEAT
- 論文の詳細を見る
Three typical operation modes (inductive, hybrid and non-inductive modes) of ITER-FEAT are investigated by using 0D and 1.5D transport codes. Sensitivity analyses on the effects of density profile, impurity concentration and ion heating fraction are performed. It is shown that ITER-FEAT can achieve its required physics performance (fusion gain Q≥10) with a range of different assumptions for these effects. Operation with high fusion gain (Q〜50) and possibility of ignition operation are also explored. It is shown that transient ignition is possible and sustained ignition can be achieved with a slight improvement of plasma performance. Plasma performance is estimated by a new approach using a probabilistic method. It is shown that the probability to reach Q≥10 is 65%-90% (depending on the scaling formula to be used). This value for Q≥50 is 25%-60%. In hybrid mode (long pulse operation with non-inductive current drive), the burn time longer than 1,000s is shown to be achievable with conservative assumptions. A preliminary study for full non-inductive mode shows that operation compatible with divertor conditions is possible when the confinement enhancement factor HH(y,2) is 1.5 and the normalized beta β_N is 3.5.
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 2001-07-25
村上 好樹
Naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
仙田 郁夫
Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
ITER Joint Central Team, Naka Joint Work Site
ITER Joint Central Team, Naka Joint Work Site
ITER Joint Central Team, Naka Joint Work Site
嶋田 道也
ITER Joint Central Team, Naka Joint Work Site
仙田 郁夫
日本原子力研究所 那珂研究所
嶋田 道也
Iter International Team - Iter Naka Joint Word Site
Vayakis George
Iter International Team Naka
Vayakis George
Iter Joint Central Team Naka Joint Work Site
Polevoi Alexei
Iter Joint Central Team Naka Joint Work Site
Chudnovskiy Alexander
Iter Joint Central Team Naka Joint Work Site
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- 3. ダイバータ物理 (ITER物理R&Dの成果)
- 3. ダイバータおよびそれに関連するデータベースとモデリング(「ITER物理R&D」専門家グループの現状と展望)
- Performance Assessment of ITER-FEAT
- 第21回IAEA核融合エネルギー会議
- 27pA01 Status of ITER Diagnostics
- 27pA41P 国際熱核融合実験炉におけるディスラプションシナリオの検討と電磁力解析(トカマク、加熱、電源・マグネット超伝導技術、炉設計)
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- 1pB トカマク : 一般講演レポート(座長レポート)
- 2.ITERのダイバータ設計(最近のダイバータ研究の動向>)
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- 8.まとめ(ダイバータ研究の現状と課題)
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