沈降反応によるヌカカの食性に関する研究 (英文)
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The blood meals of engorged Culicoidesspecies taken by a light trap and animal trap at Nukabira, Hokkaido in 1963, were identified by the precipitin test. The results showed that the following species fed on the domestic mammals and bird listed below. C. sinanoensis on man, pig, horse, goat and chicken; both C. obsoletus and C. aterinervis on man, pig, horse and goat; C. dubius on man, pig and goat; both C. kibunensis and C. erairai on pig, goat and chicken. In the most predominant species, C. sinanoensis, the biting behaviour was shown to be most active ranging from the middle part of June to the beginning of July.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1964-10-31
西島 浩
小野 泱
西島 浩
西島 浩
Laboratory of Entomology, Obihiro Zootechnical University
小野 泱
Laboratory of Entomology, Obihiro Zootechnical University
- ヒグマの糞より発生するハエ類
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- 89 オオブユの吸血源について
- 4 前趺節の爪に歯をもつブユ雌成虫の爪の形状について
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- 沈降反応によるヌカカの食性に関する研究 (英文)
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- Studies on the Relation Between Blood Sources and the Shape of Fore tarsel Claw of the Female Black Flies in Hokkaido (Diptera : Simuliidae)
- A2 ブユ前〓節の爪の形状とその吸血源動物について(予報)(分類学・形態学・生活史・分布)
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- Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology, Charles A.LEONE編著, (1964), 15×23cm, 728頁, The Ronald Press Company, New York, 邦価6,600円
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