- 論文の詳細を見る
Injuries by stings of unknown agents have been reported to occur among the swimmers in the rocky seaweed-growing seashore areas of Niigata Prefecture. The stings were seen among the bathers and the seaweed-collecting divers in summer season and caused the local initial skin lesions in most cases. Usually a variety of general symptoms followed. In order to investigate the causative agent of this sting, the clinical, epidemiological studies and the toxicological experiments have been carried out since July, 1970. The results obtained so far are as follows : 1) The stings took place during the period from the middle of June to the end of August with the greatest number of cases occurring in the second and last decades of July. Most victims were under twenty years of age but the cases of the woman seaweed collectors were older. The severe cases were observed especially in these woman divers. 2) The stings occurred mainly on the skin of the trunk covered by the swimming suit. At the site of sting, usually the initial pain was present and the localized erythematous patch up to several cm in diameter followed. 3) The general symptoms consisted of severe pains in the various groups of muscles, oppression of chest, coughing, lacrimation, serous rhinorrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever etc., and in general the recovery occurred in 1 or 2 days. In severe cases the victims were sent to hospital because of severe pains and dysbasia, and had to receive approximately one week's medical attention. The same symptoms were occasionally seen by eating a kind of seaweed Nemacystus decipiens (Suringar) in raw condition. 4) The etiological investigations have been made to find out a small poisonous jellyfish in the rocky seaweed-growing locality where the victims were stung, since such clinical and epidemiological aspects seemed to refer to the sting by it. Consequently, a small jellyfish measuring 5∿15mm in diameter Gonionemus oshoro Uchida has been discovered in accordance with the seasonal occurrence of victims. 5) Some victims have told us to see a small jellyfish-like agent at the sting site under the swimming suit. It is also possible that such a jellyfish got between the swimming suit and the skin of trunk may result in simultaneously discharging the venom of numerous nematocysts into the skin of victims. 6) The assaying of the venom of nematocyst extracted from G. oshoro showed that some signs similar to human cases were produced when the extract was intraperitoneally inoculated into mice and guinea pigs. 7) Two Japanese monkeys showed some symptoms similar to human cases when three G. oshoro were applied to the skin of both superior palpebral regions and one side of buccal region, respectively. 8) Finally a G. oshoro was applied to the skin of the anterior cubital or medial brachial region of five volunteers, respectively, and three persons exposed produced the local and general symptoms corresponding to those mentioned above, while two remaining persons showed only a slight local symptom. 9) Other epidemiological date also have suggested that G. oshoro must be responsible for this injurious effect. The severity of the victims may be modified by sensitivity of the individual to venom, and a hypersensitivity phenomenon encountered occasionally in the woman divers could be an anaphylactic reaction produced by the recurrent stings. On the other hand, the similar symptoms observed in people who ate N. decipiens in raw condition are probably due to swallowing of G. oshoro with such a seaweed. 10) G. oshoro appears to harbor mainly in a seaweed Sargassum confusum Agardh, and it is indicated that these stings may occur widely along the rocky seaweed-growing seashore areas in northern Japan.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1974-02-15
関川 弘雄
大鶴 正満
長島 義介
関川 弘雄
鈴木 俊夫
佐藤 良也
広飯 陽子
鈴木 俊夫
佐藤 良也
白木 公
- 内分泌攪乱物質は免疫能を低下させるか
- Induction of Unique Populations of Hepatic T Cells in Mice during Infection with Toxocara canis
- 12 ツツガムシ幼虫採集時における動物設置の諸改良法について
- 69 近年における新潟県の恙虫と恙虫病について
- 糸状虫症の間接赤血球凝集反応用抗原の精製-1-犬糸状虫感染血清における検討
- B17 アラトツツガムシより分離した Orientia tsutsugamushi の性状解析
- 山地性アブ類の発生源と成虫の生態
- P46 糞線虫感染者における、Western blotting 法を用いた糞線虫抗体の解析
- 沖縄における糞線虫症の疫学的特徴 : 他の流行地域と比較して
- Sex-related Different Efficacy of Chemotherapy on Human Strongyloidiasis in Okinawa, Japan
- 3 走査電子顕微鏡による A. sinensis と A. lesteri の pupal trumpet の微細構造
- 75 走査電子顕微鏡による Anopheles 5 種の pupal trumpet の微細構造
- 沖繩産シナハマダラカ群の卵型調査
- 2 走査電子顕微鏡による A. sinensis と A. lesteri 卵の比較
- P179 熱帯熱マラリア患者リンパ球サブセットの経時的変化の解析
- 77 キタカギノテクラゲの毒成分について (1)
- 10 秋田県下での恙虫病の疫学調査
- 9 秋田県下の非アカツツガムシ媒介性恙虫病
- 6 エゾフジヤスデの家屋内侵入とその対策
- 7 Dermatomyiasis (皮膚蝿蛆症)の 1 例
- The First Human Case of Diplogonoporiasis in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
- Clinical Studies on Human Strongyloidiasis in Okinawa,Japan
- 46 イヨシロオビアブの生活史
- 45 キンイロアブの生活史
- アブ・トラップの試作と試験(第 22 回大会講演要旨)
- チカイエカの Gynandromorph の吸血について
- 寄生線虫類の組織断端による虫種同定に関する研究-4-広東住血線虫未成熟成虫の横切像
- オーストラリアから導入された Murray Grey種牛の Sarcocystis
- 台湾および琉球諸島における恙虫病媒介ツツガムシの疫学的調査
- 17 沖縄県住民の恙虫病抗体保有状況について
- P182 マラリア感染防御のエフェクター細胞 : 性状、機能、形態、及び病理学的解析
- P180 ネズミマラリア感染により誘導される肝臓での造血機構について
- 80 新潟県における恙虫病の疫学的調査
- 29 日本産 Ixodes ovatus と Amblyomma testudinarium の分布, 宿主および同時寄生実験
- 沖縄県カエル類の広東住血線虫寄生状況〔英文〕
- 90 新潟県の岩礁地帶の海水浴・潜水者にみられる水中刺咬症 (4)
- 海岸岩場地帯の海水浴・潜水者にみられる水中刺咬症
- 9 新潟県の岩礁地帯の海水浴, 潜水者にみられる原因不明の水中刺咬症 (2)
- 78 新潟県の岩礁地帯の海水浴・潜水者にみられる水中刺咬症 (3)
- 80 新潟県の岩礁地帯の海水浴・潜水者にみられる水中刺咬症
- 新潟県におけるヌカカの観察
- 故大鶴正満先生を偲んで
- 22 新潟県におけるツツガムシ病調査成績
- 56 新潟県のつつが虫病と媒介者のリケッチア保有状況
- 74 新潟県の恙虫病患者からのリケッチア分離状況ならびに野鼠、未吸着幼虫の病原体保有状況
- B-19 新潟県のつつが虫病流行地から得た未吸着幼虫のリケッチア保有状況(ツツガムシ・ツメダニ)
- First Human Case of Capillaria hepatica Infection in Japan
- シナハマダラカ群とチョウセンハマダラカのアイソザイム・パターン
- 17 本邦産ハマダラカ 5 種のアイソザイム・パターン
- チョウセンハマダラカの季節型決定要因としての日長
- 全国における近況
- 走査電子顕微鏡で観察した日本産ハマダラカ5種の卵表面構造
- 11 チョウセンハマダラカの季節型出現の要因
- 11 秋田, 新潟県下でみられた 4 例の恙虫病による死亡例について
- 血管内凝固症候群を併発した恙虫病の4例
- 硫酸Paromomycinによる広節裂頭条虫の駆除
- 16 家畜と野生動物におけるオーストラリア抗原と抗体の検索
- 5 本邦産 Anopheles lesteri の変異
- 13 本邦並びに台湾産 Anopheles sinensis の humeral cross vein 上の鱗片数について
- 60 新潟県における最近の恙虫と恙虫病発生状況
- 9 新潟県における最近の恙虫と恙虫病
- 水田アブ幼虫刺咬症について
- 新潟県におけるアブ類の観察
- 新潟県のハエについて