- 論文の詳細を見る
The breeding places and some habits of tabanid flies concerning with their control were investigated in the mountainous regions of Yamagata and Niigata Prefectures in 1964. The results were as follows : 1. The larvae of Tabanus iyoensis, adults of which are prevalent in the mountainous regions, were found beneath decayed leaves lied thick on bushy ground. 2. The larvae of T. sapporoensis were also collected beneath decayed leaves lied on somewhat watery places. 3. Some knowledges concerning with the breeding places of mountainous tabanids such as Chrysozona rufipennis, Tabanus chrysurus, Silvius matsumurai, etc. were also obtained. 4. Most (93%) of the tabanid larvae collected from rice fields were identified with those of Tabanus mandarinus, and others were those of T. takasagoensis, Chrysops van-der-wulpi and an unidentified species. 5. No larvae of bloods sucking tabanids were obtained from sandy soil of river-bank. 6. Tabanid larvae fed on earthworms, Limnodrilus gotoi and Pheretima communissima. 7. Some types of seasonal occurrence were recognized : Chrysops japonicus appeared late in April and vanished early in May, Tabanus fulvimedioides appeared late in June and vanished about the middle of July when many other tabanids began to come out, and Chrysops basalis appeared late in August when the tabanid occurrence declined. Most of tabanids appeared in midsummer, while the occurrence of Chrysops van-der-wulpi and Tabanus amaenus were thought to last long from late in May to the end of August. 8. The tabanids which occurred before the midsummer were thought to appear later and those which occurred after the midsummer earlier in mountains than those on plains, therefore the duration of tabanid occurrence in mountains was observed to be shorter than that on plains. 9. Peaks of occurrence of T. iyoensis, T. mandarinus and T. trigonus were seen at the middle of August. 10. The duration of occurrence of T. iyoensis at the upper stream of Tamagawa River, Yamagata Prefecture, was about a month from late in July to late in August. More than 90% of tabanids collected at their most prevalent period of the middle of August were occupied by T. iyoensis. 11. Most of T. iyoensis were observed to attack cattle and men in the early evening (6.00〜7.00P.m.). 12. T. iyoensis and some other species were observed to be attracted by carbonic acid gas originated from dry ice. 13. Some of T. iyoensis and T. sapporoensis were observed to be attracted by a fluorescent lamp. 14. The cow applied with the repellent (main element : Dimethylphthalate) on body surface was prevented from attack of tabanids.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1965-05-31
斉藤 豊
斉藤 奨
斉藤 奨
斉藤 豊
大鶴 正満
大森 康正
水野 重信
阿部 彦五郎
- 11 山形県におけるツツガムシの調査
- 12 Ixodes monospinosus の幼・若ダニについて
- 18 Ixodes monospinosus 雌成ダニ人体寄生実験
- 12 ツツガムシ幼虫採集時における動物設置の諸改良法について
- 69 近年における新潟県の恙虫と恙虫病について
- 1 アカイエカ群 Culex pipiens complex 成虫における免疫電気泳動像の比較
- アカイエカ群 Culex pipiens complex 成虫の免疫電気泳動像の比較
- 30 アカイエカとチカイエカ成虫における免疫電気泳動像
- 新潟県のクロキンバエ, 特に近年におけるその多発について
- イヨシロオビアブの生態(第 17 回大会講演要旨)
- 山地性アブ類の発生源と成虫の生態
- 山地に発生するカメムシ類の生態, 特にクサギカメムシのそれと殺虫試験について
- 新潟市におけるショウジョウバエの季節的観察
- 新潟県における Haemaphysalis bispinosa について, 付-牛のいわゆる小型ピロプラズマの小観察(第 17 回大会講演要旨)
- 沖繩産シナハマダラカ群の卵型調査
- 貯木場付近におけるクロシヨウジヨウバエの異常発生
- 北海道のマダニ(第 23 回大会講演要旨)
- 実験的宿主家兎によるオウシマダニの簡易飼育法とダニ各期における諸観察 (第 18 回大会講演要旨)
- 好酸球のアポトーシスについての基礎的研究
- アカウシアブ雌の蛹
- 戸隠牧場のアブ
- 11 淡路島におけるマダニについて
- 11 Ixodes ovatus にみられた Borrelia sp. 本邦最初の報告(予報)
- 9 ニホンマダニ Ixodes nipponensis の地理的分布、宿主および野兎病伝播実験
- 5 九州地方のマダニ類の研究 (続報) : 対馬における調査
- 29 日本産 Ixodes ovatus と Amblyomma testudinarium の分布, 宿主および同時寄生実験
- 14 Haemaphysalis longicornis の種の再検討(続報)
- 33 日本産フタトゲチマダニ類の Cross breeding について
- 1 四国のマダニ
- 13 高知県江川崎の Haemaphysalis (Kaiseriana) sp. について
- 6 Haemaphysalis longicornis の種の再検討
- 53 九州地方のマダニ調査
- 日本産マダニ Dermacentor 属の 1 種について(第 22 回大会講演要旨)
- Amblyomma testudinarium の発育史と幼若形について(第 21 回大会講演要旨)
- ウシアブの発育史(第 19 回大会講演要旨)
- 海岸岩場地帯の海水浴・潜水者にみられる水中刺咬症
- 新潟県におけるヌカカの観察
- 水田アブ幼虫刺咬症について
- 日本のマダニと実験動物における野兎病伝播機転(I 疫学的にみた衛生害虫, 第 17 回大会講演要旨)
- 鳥類と野兎病 : 第 3 報 ウズラにおける実験(第 16 回大会講演要旨)
- 鳥類と野兎病(第 15 回大会講演要旨)
- 実験動物におけるマダニ類の寄生部位(第 14 回大会講演要旨)
- 幼若期マダニによる刺レロの組織変化, 特にセメント様物質について(第 13 回大会講演要旨)
- 新潟県におけるアブ類の観察
- 新潟市内のアブラコウモリより得たコウモリノミの 1 種について(第 5 回大会講演要旨)
- 新潟県のハエについて